Monday, 15 October 2012

Stepping into my third and forth books

As you know from previous blog posts I've been stepping out of my comfort zone so thought I would continue with my thoughts and feelings and how it's going. It's a very internal blog post this time around but as writers I think it's not only important to talk about the technicalities of writing but how it makes us think and feel as it is this that will impact on the reader.
Been carefully planning my next project as writing about domestic violence is far harder than I thought. It's not the subject matter it's getting the feelings emotions and thoughts in the right way in the right order. I have flow charts and plans all over my table. Non fiction seems to me harder to writer than fiction. As you know fantasy is my main genre and that is flowing well. I'm finding music while a write very soothing. I also find that because I am re visiting my past it is all the harder as it is so close to your heart. But I have encouragement from those around me and support.
Hope you have creativity with you

Friday, 5 October 2012

Planning and inspired ideas

Often there are times when I get an idea a bolt out the blue as it were and I reach for the pad of paper or the note pad in my phone to jot down those elusive thoughts before they disappear into the ether. Lately I've found especially as my work is getting bigger that careful planning along side inspiration keeps my writing flowing smoothly. My favoured method of planning at the moment is rough flow charts I like to call character and story maps. Now a plan isn't set in stone and can be changed as much as the story does. I know my characters have been down several paths before I've found the right one. It helps especially when I get to a stumbling block we all have them that annoying point when your happily writing away and it all comes to a grinding halt. I can refer to the 'map' and most of the time find my way again. It's a skill and one I am still learning but rather than just plunging head long into an idea I reign myself in and do a small plan. Personally I think my writing has improved as a result.

In earlier posts I spoke about stepping out of my comfort zone and writing about domestic violence and my story and I'll be honest it's not been an easy start and I am finding that I am having to plan this very carefully. It's not my normal style of writing and I want to capture all the emotions and thoughts as well as actions with regards to this topic. Also with it being a subject that hits such a nerve with me planning allows me to take a clinical approach which sounds odd when capturing emotions but it allows me to look at the situation from all angles and capture events as a whole. I'll keep plugging away but I feel this will be a much slower process than my usual work.

Hope you are all have a creative and inspired weekend