Thursday, 29 November 2012

Getting feed back and writing the second novel

Like all writers out there I quite regularly seek feed back from anyone who reads my work but nothing is as valuable as a good honest review with constructive critique. I've found a great community of readers and writers on a website run by harper Collins called authonomy. You up load as much or as little of your work as you like and people can review your work and you theirs. I've had some great pointers about characters point of view and tips on how to improve the flow of my work just by adjusting and looking carefully at the punctuation. I can't recommend this site highly enough. There are some amazing and talented writers on there. Another thing I like is though the feed back is honest it's not slating so you don't need such a tough skin but always remember now every person is going to enjoy your work as much as others. I have to keep this in mind as it is easy to forget when you get a 1 star or poor review.

The second thing I wanted to talk about is writing the second novel. I'm currently working on Wings of Fire the follow up to Blades of Shadow and I must confess I'm finding this one harder to writer than the first. Difficult to pin down why exactly but I think it's down to the cross referencing and looking back I do to avoid continuity errors and to see how my characters have developed and how they may react to their new situations. I find a flow chart helps with this. It also helps me trace my ideas forward but I don't plan to hard as with all art no single idea is set in stone and parts can be rewritten etc.
Happy writing all


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