Friday, 21 December 2012

Method in the madness

While blogging, networking, tweeting and generally browsing the Internet I've found so many different people telling me how writing should be structured and planned. Now all of these methods are great don't get me wrong but I prefer to follow my muse and do the surgery during the edit. I'm not here to te you how to write each has their own style that works for them and sometimes it takes time to find it but here I thought I'd share my tips for getting a those over flowing ideas down if they are used or not it doesn't matter but I find nothing worse than something interrupting me mid flow.

1) use the margins if you write something and mid sentence want to add more but don't have the flow or the complete idea scribble a few words in the margin as a reference when you come back to it.

2) Don't worry about spelling that's not important and can be sorted out during the edit.

3) Not sure you have the right word but don't know the exact one you are looking for box it off or put it in brackets and come back to it when you have finished that session of writing.

4) Make sure you have something with you at all times to capture those random ideas that appear from no where you never know when they will come in handy.

These tips can make your work look at little crazy but it will help the ideas. Hope your writing flows and the word count keeps growing


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