Friday, 24 August 2012

Dealing with writers block

The bane of all writers the dreaded writers block....
I know like many of you we get hit by this from time to time and the frustration it causes can make you want to turn the air blue with cursing and want to throw your lap top or pen and paper across the room. I got hit by this lately and thought I'd share my tips for breaking down writers block

1) Put the pen and paper down or turn the lap top off the more you try to force it the worse it gets.

2) Take a break for about half hour and chill don't think about writing or anything of the like.

3) Look for inspiration else where, read, draw, watch a movie something you know helps you get the ideas flowing. Yesterday Song of the siren covered by this mortal coil did the trick for me.

4) Talk your ideas through with someone, sounding your ideas out can help a lot. My partner is the guinea pig for many of my ideas.

Hope these tips are helpful if you ever do get writers block in the mean time I hope the writing and creativity flows


4) Music my greatest salvation sometimes all it takes is a few notes or lyrics to spur the creativity on

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