Thursday, 2 August 2012

First radio interview...

I know it has only been a couple of days since my last post but had an exciting call today and just had to share it. A local radio station is coming to record an interview with me this Sunday. This feels like a massive leap forward for getting word of my book out there.
I have been emailing people and stations about my work loads since my book came into print and was inspired to keep going after reading an interview Wayne Coyne gave (Lead singer of my fav band The Flaming Lips) who spoke about getting people together for his colaboration album Heady Fwends. He made it his mission to keep asking and pestering until it got to the point that it was easier to accept his request than it was to do anything else. This made my smile and spurred me on to do a similar thing and it has paid off.
Keep plugging away people breaks only happen if you make them happen, I know I still have a long way to go but each step forward is a massive postive and insentive to take the next step.

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