Came across an amazing quote today that has made me feel very deep and philosophical it went like this "a good book can make an impossible life liveable" and the more I thought about it the more I thought about my own experiences in life. At times of great stress and pain I turned to reading for solace and even through the authors may not know it their work has pulled me through some really bad times. This I think was also part of the reason I threw myself so deep into writing. Not only an escape for myself but also the possibility that maybe somewhere someone is enjoying my work but also finding their escape. My way of giving something back I suppose. All writers have the ability to give this to our readers. So when you feel like putting the pen down in frustration or chucking that story away have a little faith in yourself because that story could one day be a life saver.
While I'm feeling deep thought I'd share a my way of dealing with those reviews that aren't so shiny because let's face it not everybody is going to like your work just same as not everybody likes mine but it's important not to just dismiss these points because we can learn to be better writers from it. My partner and quite possibly my toughest critic commented that sometimes my work lacks background description of scenery and places. I've taken this and wrote to my usual style but going back over my work in an edit I found the places that it could be put in. Rather than worrying about the criticism I used it as a way and a tool to improve my writing, and writing like any craft takes time often years to perfect an I know that with each page I write I'm learning more about my craft but also about my writing style and where it's strengths and weaknesses lie.
Hope your ideas are flowing and what ever you are reading is that great escape. Lauren
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