Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Ick like many of you writers out there you probably dread this word more than any other but it a necessary and critical part of writing but at times can be one of the most soul destroying things you can do. So here I thought I'd share a few of my tips for making it easier.
1) Take it one page at a time. Sounds obvious I know but it's all to easy to see an entire manuscript and try to rush. Go over each page with a fine tooth comb.

2) Coloured pens or fonts if you write onto a computer. Use them to make little side notes if there is something you need to go back to.

3) Don't be afraid to re-write. I've had moments where I have re-read what I have written and wondered "what the hell was I thinking when I wrote that" don't be disheartened the first draft is always raw.

4) Read it aloud, sometimes the best way to see if your writing flows is to read it aloud either to someone if you're feeling brave or just to yourself. Helps spot missing punctuation. With me being dyslexic I do miss a lot of punctuation.

5) Keep a dictionary handy as well as a thesaurus. Sometimes a the same world will crop up a lot this gives you a set of tools to your arsenal.

6) My last tip is remember the first draft is like a lump of clay and the editing and subsequent drafts are what form the final piece.

Hope these help


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